Category: awesome
the snake represents our boundless natural resources
Well it’s 2011 as I write this and my flag isn’t flying above the parliament buildings just yet. I also haven’t managed to make merchandise out of it in any way, although I do still like the design very much and have always wanted to update it a little.
Oh, and this comic marks the first time that I employed alt-tags to sneak extra jokes and commentary into each comic. (Those are the bits of text that appear when you hover your mouse over the image.) I stole the idea from Dinosaur Comics, basically, although I’ve also noticed a lot of other comics do it too. [May 10, 2011]
the comic I always meant to write
So, my brother came and reclaimed his tablet PC. Well that was fine, I guess, as it was a finicky piece of hardware and generally falling apart. Also it was his and I suppose I didn’t have much say in the matter. However it left me in an awkward spot with respect to my comic — what was I supposed to draw on now?
I knew I didn’t want to quit, so I selected a USB drawing tablet and elected to carry on. I have no idea what kind of research I did. Probably very little. I’m sure I’d heard Wacom was a good brand. Anyway, what’s a little funny is that I seem to be under the impression that nothing would really change in terms of the artwork, but in hindsight switching to the tablet is what really began the evolutionary shift to the way my drawings look today.
I don’t think I could have moved forward on that tablet PC. It’s anyone’s guess if I would even be doing the comic today if I’d have had to keep dealing with that thing. [May 4, 2011]