Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "My Dream Since Childhood"

Many more lulz can be brought to you by, uh, you!
Send your questions to journalcomic at gmail dot com and I’ll take a crack at ’em!
And don’t forget those guest comic submissions!

(Wait a second! Isn’t he supposed to be on a bus today? How did this get posted?
Well, thanks to the magic of WordPress’ scheduled posting feature,
I can write this in advance.
At the time this is set to be posted,
the Real Me is somewhere between Edmonton and Jasper!

4 thoughts on “Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "My Dream Since Childhood"

  1. No no no! If you’re going to have arm attachments, why stick to one. Make them interchangeable. “Today I’ll wear the grappling hook attachment…”

  2. I’d get something like the portal gun from Portal, except make it shaped like a hand, and make it so I can use it easily without fucking up. Oh, make that my right hand, and my left hand would be the gravity gun from Half-Life 2. That way, I can through things through other things without moving other things.

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