Sorry! Got a little too wrapped up in workin’ on a thing for my 10-year site anniversary (yikes!). Ran out of comic time tonight!
Category: info
I think I’m taking a week off. See you in 2016!
Sorry, updates are sporadic this week because I’m preparing for a Big Gig on Friday! [But Nathan, you knew about this for months! Shouldn’t you be ready?] Yes, but, video games.
Interesting Times Turns Nine!
Today is the ninth anniversary of my site! To celebrate, I’ve found and uploaded a graphic novel that I wrote when I was very young. Go read it here!
Nine years. A lot of ups (got married!) and downs (tried to be a teacher!) have happened in that time, not to mention the opportunities that have happened because of the site (got to sell a book at a comic con!) Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for finding my pictures and writing amusing, and for making my site a part of your day.
(oh yes, on an administrative note: you’ve noticed by now that the site theme has changed again. I like this one, but I do still need to iron out a few things here and there.)
Return of the Mailbag?
I want to try restarting the Mailbag feature on this site! If you have a question you’d like answered in comic form, send it to nathan [at]
In Progress
New Banner!
Banner(s), actually!! What else are Friday nights for?
No comic tonight! Rehearsals went late and tomorrow’s going to be a long day, so Nathan needs his Sleepy Times!
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but Interesting Times is going on hiatus until Monday, April the 28th. See you again in three weeks!