Category: comics about comics
The Sadness
What Do I Pay You For
What A Concept
Here You Go
It’s All Good
So the hiatus is over! Is anyone still reading this? I don’t know, but I’m writing it anyway!
I spent the last few weeks just sort of going about my life and not drawing silly pictures about it. In a way it was kinda nice because this does take a lot of time some evenings, and instead of drawing I had another 45 minutes before bed to get mad at video games (for instance.)
On the other hand…I did kinda miss it! And as you see, I’m playing with the format a little bit. One thing that did occur to me was that adding word balloons would open things up and give me some new possibilities to play around with when telling a story. But making them read properly means changing the narration to the other side, because we read left-to-right. Hopefully nobody freaks out. It may not stick. Who knows.
I think the important takeaway from my hiatus was that I decided want to make sure I’m writing comics that I like, and that I shouldn’t be afraid to mess with The Formula a little bit more often (especially after nearly 8 years of sticking to it). I’m going to be thinking about different ways to compile ideas and execute them, although you shouldn’t really notice that too much. More of a behind-the-curtain kind of thing.
Anyway if you ARE reading again, welcome back! Thanks for stopping by!