Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "The Man They Call Peanuts / Wordiest Comic Ever"

got a question for the Mailbag?
send it to journalcomic at gmail dot com
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gmail is huuuuuuuuuuge!!

Begin Commentary: I’m still not going to write out the story of how he got his nickname, but I can tell you another story about this man. Peanuts generally smelled terrible, like extremely strong body odour tinged with regret. Thankfully I did not often have to work right next to him, but getting anywhere near his person was usually enough to make my eyes water.

Except for one day, when he smelled nothing like his usual horrible self. He smelled strongly of something else. It wasn’t a pleasant smell really, but it wasn’t offensive either. Something about that smell was also plucking at my memory, and it took most of a shift to realize what it was — floor cleaner! At a previous job I’d worked with industrial floor cleaners and he smelled exactly of those.

My first reaction was “Yay, it’s not B.O.!” My second reaction was “…but why floor cleaner?” [January 17, 2012]

Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "Thompson Twins"

One thing I was pretty inconsistent on was with representing recognizable (e.g. celebrity) faces. Sometimes I used actual pictures, as in this comic. Sometimes I redrew but attempted realism, like in the one with Ernie Coombs. I forget the number. That method actually turns out to be the most work, which is not what I’m about.

The correct answer, and the one I go with nowadays, is to draw them in my own style. The reason I would just paste a face in would be about a 90/10 split between laziness and lack of self-confidence that the person I’d attempting to draw would look anything like reality. Over the years I’ve gained in self-confidence and become slightly less lazy, and therefore drawing them myself, as stickpeople, is the way to go. [January 18, 2012]

now it just sits on the shelf next to my copy of Ringtales for the SNES

Got a question to throw in the mailbag?
send it to journalcomic at gmail dot com

Begin Commentary – Regarding “Ringtales” — no it is not real, although nobody ever asked me anyway. It is an obscure reference to a game that the popular comic Penny Arcade made up. They didn’t just reference it, they drew box art and wrote a glowing description that compelled me to write in and ask why I couldn’t find it. (They let me down quickly and apologized, very sarcastically, for tricking me).

It’s described as “StarFox” with platform and RPG elements, which sounds amazing. But just now I realized that we actually have that game in the form of “StarFox Adventures”, which is not amazing. [January 17, 2012]