“The Orange”, the box label seen in panel 3, is a subtle reference to Metal Gear Solid 2. I know this isn’t the only comic I’ve used it in, though I don’t have a list handy. [July 10, 2014]
“The Orange”, the box label seen in panel 3, is a subtle reference to Metal Gear Solid 2. I know this isn’t the only comic I’ve used it in, though I don’t have a list handy. [July 10, 2014]
So today, a little different; I had a bit of the flu and was very nearly done a comic about same when my art program unexpectedly crashed. I strongly dislike re-drawing comics because I’m lazy and don’t want to take the time to make them look as good as the first time around.
BUT: Rather than cancelling tonight’s instalment outright, I’m giving you a rare glimpse into my creative process by posting the script for tonight’s comic directly from my sketchbook. Enjoy!
(click to enlarge)
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