Seeing as how the 300th Comic Spectacular went really well, I’ve been thinking of setting up a similar thing for Fridays. I made a gmail address, and then you can send your questions into it, and then every Friday I will pick one and write a comic where I answer it. The idea is foolproof, no? Of course, if nobody’s interested or e-mails me, I’m off the hook.

Send all relevant queries to:

journalcomic at gmail dot com

(Not a link because, you know, spambots. And I don’t want to answer THEIR questions.)

New Feature FTW!

300th Comic Spectacular!

Big thanks to everyone who submitted questions, and bigger thanks to everyone who’s stopped in and said a kind word. (Now, where’s my Wikipedia article and book deal?)

Begin Commentary: First of all, if I may toot my own horn, I nailed the “300” logo. Still feel really good about that.

And this is the very first “mailbag”-style comic! I very much enjoyed doing mailbag comics (when the questions were good, or at least usable) because the topic focus provided some challenge. It’s often said that if you put a piece of blank paper in front of someone and say “draw anything” they’ll have no idea what to do at all, and that’s how my comic can feel sometimes. This is also why the “journal” focus is useful in general, because at the very least I have a place to start from.

Anyway, we were talking about the mailbag. I probably was most influenced by Homestar Runner, in particular the Strong Bad emails, but after a while the emails sort of petered out and it was time to move on. Since the end of the mailbag I have to admit I’ve never found a feature that was as much fun as these could be, and I sometimes wonder if I shouldn’t try and bring it back. [December 14, 2011]


Hello! You may or may not have noticed that the 300th Comic is coming up (tomorrow!), and if at all possible I’d like to make it some sort of extended Reader Mailbag thing. So, if you’d be so kind as to use the comments section on this post to ask ANY and ALL questions you may have, and then I can pick some and answer them in my own inimitable fashion. Multiple questions per person are allowed and encouraged! This is your chance to peek into the deepest machinations of Interesting Times!

[If interest is insufficient, well, a.)shame on you, and b.)I’ll just have to do something else, I guess.]

the math

I forgot to post this but a couple of weeks ago I did THE MATH on my comics. You see, I only have 50mb of total free space on this here WordPress thing, so I wondered how long it would take until I ran out. Well, here are my calculations:

255 comics = 25% of total space.
1020 = 100%?

but it took me 475 days to get this far.
that’s about 1.87 days per comic.
THEREFORE reaching my limit of roughly 1020 comics will take 1907.4 days,
or around 5.2 years.

So, in 2012 I will be forced to shell out twenty bucks to buy a 1gb upgrade. If I am as cheap and lazy in the future as I am now, this will likely not be happening, so I guess we have ourselves a target ending date for Interesting Times! See you there!

Over the next un-specifiable amount of time, you may notice (and possibly already have noticed) the comic go through some visual adjustments. Do not panic. Interesting Times is simply going through a transitional phase to some new software/brush styles within said software.

If you find the changes too disturbing, find a cool, dark place, curl into a ball, and breathe deeply. Focus on a relaxing image, possibly something happy from your childhood. Do this for as long as you see necessary.

comics tomorrow. Friday. today? whatever. I broke my painter program a little and I’m not thinking clearly enough right now to be able to fix it. please wait patiently by a radio or television for further instruction. Be patient, be safe.

gettin' back on the horse

last week was PARTY WEEK 2007 but this week it is BACK TO MAKING COMICS REGULARLY WEEK (2007). Look, I am so dedicated that it is 3:34 in the morning. I should very much like to be in bed and in fact that is what I will do, now that I have finished posting the comic! Yes I am an example to all, thank you.