Won’t be a Wednesday post cos I just got back from Winnipeg and I am tooooooo tired. I might try to make up for it tomorrow, who knows. In lieu of a comic, here is “Adventure Time” courtesy of YouTube, until it is taken down again. Enjoy!
Category: info
A Note
Hello, yes! I am not “well” but no longer as sick as I was! Therefore I am able to resume being the intermittently amusing ambulatory hairpile that you have all come to love! The sickness has kind of scaled itself back to just being a rather nasty cold, but so far this week it still likes to taunt me and manifest its true form in little pieces. A bit of dizziness here, some head-ache there, what have you. ANYWAY the point is that from right now until oh, I don’t know, say June — if there are any comics you don’t like, I’d blame the sickness for hampering my normally very high-quality output.
(Comics from before this point that you do not appreciate are simply ones you don’t understand fully. I suggest you print them off and study them intently, for hours if necessary.)
TO CONCLUDE I thank all friends and well-wishers who can now safely continue to read Interesting Times! And, I curse aloud the name and family of whoever cast this dreadful virus on me in the first place!!
no comic yesterday, or today.
sick days.
as in, I’m sick.
as in, I’m not well.
seriously, go read XKCD
It’s kind of hard for me to accept that another low-tech stick-man based comic could a.)exist and b.)be consistently more clever/hilarious than I can hope to be. For instance: The 90s Flowchart, which is like unfair it’s so clever. How can I compete with that?
I mean, my one consolation is that my stickpeople are a bit better drawn, but come on. This isn’t right.
Anyway, I’m not quitting or anything, I just wanted to give a big tip of the hat to XKCD and tell you all to check it out. Read it instead of mine? I don’t know. I wouldn’t hold it against you, if that’s what you’re wondering…
Hello again,
Hope [you’re enjoying / you have enjoyed] your holidays as much as I currently am. I thought I might let you know that Interesting Times resumes DEFINITELY FOR SERIOUS on Monday the 8th. Let the New Year of Interesting Times Commence!
Maybe you'd already noticed…?
but Interesting Times is on vacation till, ohh, let’s say at least the first of January.
So am I, perhaps not coincidentally.
hey so uh,
how’s a super-possibly-triple-comixplosion sound? So good you can wait till tomorrow? I HOPE SO!
(because like, you’ll have to)
(sorry about the update interruptions this week)
Since Friday there have been technical difficultie…
Since Friday there have been technical difficulties and real-life scheduling intrusions that I am working to resolve. Regular service is scheduled to resume tomorrow, and yes you will indeed still get the Agenda Comic that was missed on Friday, and possibly even a Super Double Comixplosion to make up for today’s absence. I ask only your patience and forgiveness in this matter.
agenda comics? what?
This post is meant to explain the new Friday thing I will be trying out.
First, a preface. The reason that there is, more often than not, no comic on Friday is this;
I like to write the comics just before I go to bed. Kind of a day-ending period of reflection, followed by some illegible scribbling and a light chuckle before I head off to slumberland. Now, because I actually have to be up at a civilized hour like civilized people during the week, my bedtime is earlier than usual, and this is no problem. Friday, however, is a different story. I stay up much later than usual, because I can sleep in the next day (usually), and thus by the time I get up to bed I am extremely tired. The will to write a comic is simply not there, and even if it would be, I feel quality would suffer. So, best to just avoid the thing altogether.
But then, I realized I was sitting on a goldmine of pre-written material that would nicely fill the Friday Gap, and thus we come to the Agenda Comics.
Back in the day I had this other website that I did a lot of writing and drawing for and whatnot. Near the end of its lifespan I was also going to school at the University of Manitoba, and since I am notoriously bad at actually managing my time anyway, I said screw it, and used the nice agendas they gave us to make comics in. Three years I did this, only the site died after the second year and I have like a hundred comics that I’ve never posted.
They’re crude, quickly sketched, and kind of weird, but you’ve come to expect that by now I think. They’re also, by and large, never-before-seen, except by a the odd close friend, so that’s kind of neat. I hope you enjoy them in any case, and if you don’t, well, there’s always the other four days of the week to look forward to.
(Oh, and I should mention that these comics are, by now, like two years old, so the style is slightly different. But anyway.)
I an going away tomorrow but I left you some comics, like meals in the fridge. Today’s, Friday’s, and Monday’s are below! But, like meals, you shouldn’t consume them all today! Pace yourself! I know I can’t stop you so we’re on the honor system, okay?