I ran out of time to do a comic tonight, but tomorrow / later today / whatever (Feb.1st, in any case) is Hourly Comics Day! So, to make up for today’s absence you may look forward to a whole bunch of hastily-scribbled, barely intelligible comics just like previous years. Yay!
Category: info
Swing and a miss!
Just couldn’t get the creative juice flowing tonight. Perhaps I’ll do two comics tomorrow. Sorry!
I’m going to go on Christmas Break tonight and come back Tuesday night, I think. Yes, this is very likely what will occur. Please enjoy your weekend!
I left my tablet elsewhere! I can’t do a comic without it! I’ll do two tomorrow, okay?? Sorry!
No comic tonight, sorry.
I turned 29 today, and when I sat down to try and make jokes about my day I was overwhelmed by gratitude instead. I’m blessed beyond my wildest dreams, and rather than wave it away I just want to take the opportunity to express that gratitude in whatever small way I am able. Thank You from the bottom of my heart to friends, family, readers & well-wishers alike. And I’m sorry this wasn’t funny. It’ll pick up again next week, I’m sure 🙂
There’s a brand-new “Commentary” category that I’ve been slowly adding comics to! So far it has all the commentaries from the Year One eBook, and I am slowly adding more as I work my way through the rest of the archives. The actual reason I’m working my way through every comic in the archives is kinda boring, but if you want to know, I’ll write it below. The takeaway message from this post is that I’m writing more commentaries all the time, and you can find them in the Commentary category if you’re interested!
Okay so the real reason I’m digging in the archives is this: Back when I migrated this site from the free WordPress blog it used to be on, there were two heinous side effects that I’ve never really addressed until now. One was that all the alt-texts got screwed up, with many random question marks thrown in and certain portions of them occasionally omitted altogether.
The other thing is that all of the images are still, for whatever reason, being hot-linked from the old site. So if WordPress ever decides to shut my old blog down (and I’m kinda surprised they haven’t, for lack of attention) then everything before ’09 vanishes instantly. The good news is that the files actually got copied over, so they’re all on the new server already and I just need to change the links. And even if they weren’t, I have backups of course.
Anyway it all just needs doing, so I’m slowly picking my way through and writing commentary things when I get inspired to do so. And now you know…the rest of the story!
Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!
I’m taking the day off though! See y’all tomorrow.
Defaced again!
Apparently somebody thought it’d be Pretty Fun to deface the site again and cause me a minor headache by locking me out of my own account control panel. Actually that does sound like a lot of fun, maybe I’ll get into it too. Anyway I fixed it.
BUT: If you loaded up the site and got that crazy front page, I’d suggest you clear your browser’s saved data. There was some code built in to the page, and besides play “Rihanna.wav” I have no idea what it was supposed to do. Probably nothing good.
Question for you, dear reader! I’d like to write more site commentary of the kind found in the Year One eBook. Would you rather see that as a sequel book OR just posted directly to the site itself? Put your thoughts in the comments!