Tiny Contest OVER!

The judgment has been made and the winners contacted! If I did not reply to your email you did not win, sadly. I shall post the winning entries on Monday along with a comic as usual.

Thanks to everyone who entered!

Tiny Contest!

Last week I had this party, and I made little party-favor gift bags for my guests. I ended up with three extra bags, each one containing:

  1. A Rad Dinosaur or Extreme Sports Parachute Guy
  2. A candy, either Sunkist Orange gummies or York Peppermint Patty
  3. A retro japanese postcard with a doodle on the picture side and some sort of slightly bizarre thank-you message on the back.

I am telling you this because I want to give them away to you, the readers! Imagine all the delicious fun you can have with the first two things and imagine how RICH you will be when I am FAMOUS and the postcard goes for like a MILLION DOLLARS at auction! Also you will be helping me clear up a little bit of counter space, so that’s win-win.

HOW TO ENTER: Send an email to This Address Right Here and briefly answer the following question: “What would you have brought to my party?” Interpret this question as you will and get your answers in before the end of the day, central time, on Thursday the 18th. Do not put a lot of effort into your entry as, despite how exciting I made it sound earlier, the prize is probably not worth it.

I’ll announce the winners shortly after contest close and then we’ll be in touch so’s I can mail these bags out to you! Right out of my pocket, I will pay for this thing.

Ready – steady – go!

I done a Video

If you haven’t seen my bragging on Facebook and Twitter already, this thing happened:

I was hired by the group responsible for spearheading TEDxManitoba to make an explanatory video. What does any of that mean? Watch and find out!


Where’s the comic?!

A big thunderstorm – like, so big they were interrupting Today’s Best Music Mix on the radio to mention it – rolled through yesterday night and borked my internet, not to mention killing the power once or twice. (I am posting this at work, lol) Hopefully things will be straightened out tonight. Sorry!

You’re officially taken care of!

I have written and scheduled two weeks of content to automatically post itself while I am out of the country. The theme is “Travel Stories” and will be a selection of events and observations from past trips I have taken. This may not sound thrilling, but I promise you that you will experience the following:

  • Robotic cowboys!
  • A gigantic bee!
  • Chaos theory humour!
  • And more…???

They are set to go up at 11:00 pm on every normal posting day, starting this Thursday. I also left fifty bucks on the counter and there’s some pizzas in the freezer. No parties while I’m gone.