300th Comic Spectacular!

Big thanks to everyone who submitted questions, and bigger thanks to everyone who’s stopped in and said a kind word. (Now, where’s my Wikipedia article and book deal?)

Begin Commentary: First of all, if I may toot my own horn, I nailed the “300” logo. Still feel really good about that.

And this is the very first “mailbag”-style comic! I very much enjoyed doing mailbag comics (when the questions were good, or at least usable) because the topic focus provided some challenge. It’s often said that if you put a piece of blank paper in front of someone and say “draw anything” they’ll have no idea what to do at all, and that’s how my comic can feel sometimes. This is also why the “journal” focus is useful in general, because at the very least I have a place to start from.

Anyway, we were talking about the mailbag. I probably was most influenced by Homestar Runner, in particular the Strong Bad emails, but after a while the emails sort of petered out and it was time to move on. Since the end of the mailbag I have to admit I’ve never found a feature that was as much fun as these could be, and I sometimes wonder if I shouldn’t try and bring it back. [December 14, 2011]

12 thoughts on “300th Comic Spectacular!

  1. I guess I missed my chance to contribute because I forgot to come for a few days because I was busy…. …but is there any chance Zombie Blake will make an appearance in these comics??

  2. Oh wow. I used to play Space Quest as a kid too. I have all of them from when I bought them years ago. Still play them on occasion too. SQ3 was the best of the bunch, though I like 5 a lot.

    So, you’d want the Aluminum Mallard? You know, that’s not half bad. Just make sure the rat people don’t steal your wiring.

  3. Also, if you should ever get enough “mail” or perhaps even “e-mail” to warrant a “mail-bag day” say, every Wednesday or something where you’d answer people’s questions in comic form.

    Ya, that’s the greatest idea ever.

    Now, people, get mailing!

  4. I agree with Andrew. You need to do more comics about English poets. Or maybe American ones. Edgar Allen Poe would be a hoot. In my mind’s eye I always see that guy being chased around by this raven the size of a certain purple dinosaur. And they have crazy hijinx together.

  5. Hmmm. You know, looking at this thing, your Lendorien looks just like how I write it. Same handwriting and everything. I just wrote it out to check. That’s darned scary.

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