they tell me PvP is more fun?

I’ve had this one in the “personal favourite” category on the site for a long time. There aren’t a lot comics from the Eurocom / Windows Journal era that I can actually say I like the artwork for, but this one turned out surprisingly well.

I just realized I often use the phrase “turned out” as though good artwork was an accident, because with the Eurocom tablet PC it almost always was. That was a finicky piece of hardware to say the least. It had a screen protector that made slow movements extremely difficult, so almost everything had to be done in quick strokes. It also had a habit of…how to explain? Pretend you’re carefully drawing a line and somebody behind you nudges your elbow. Basically, this PC would randomly simulate that effect. Something to do with the touch screen, I’d imagine.

So yes, it was a pleasant surprise when I could gently coerce that machine into producing a comic with artwork that was actually any good. Shortly after writing this I got a Wii, and then canceled my subscription to World of Warcraft; I had some fun while it was on, and I’ve been tempted to go back a couple of times but I would definitely never do PVP again. Awful.

Oh, and here’s a fun fact: that is supposed to be a sinister mist wreathing the feet of the giant character UGonnaDie. You know, so that you would never actually see his feet move and he’d just drift ominously around the landscape. [May 3, 2011]

"OKAY nathan, you love videogames we GET IT ALREADY"

Even though this is the hundred and eigth comic I feel like I hadn’t really settled into a ‘serious’ mindset. I have said elsewhere that the belief that nobody is reading your comic is a stress-reliever — the other side of that is that it’s much more On You to maintain a schedule and things like that. As such I have had quite a few update gaps and rushed comics simply because I wasn’t committed enough.

Here in particular we’ve got two comics in a relatively short period of time (this and #103) are kinda phoned-in and are about how I’d rather be playing video games. That’s some great work there, huh! Mind you, my lackadaisical attitude was not the ONLY reason I’d miss comics or phone them in, so…there. [April 28, 2011]

didn’t want one that badly anyway

what’s funny about this comic — not like, Ha Ha funny, just Odd funny — is that after all the references I made to the Wii I never actually wrote a comic about the time I finally got one. I wrote one for getting a big old Xbox, but one of my single most anticipated purchases went totally unmentioned. I can’t account for that, really. It’s just one of the many examples of the way in which I am kind of terrible at keeping an honest journal, ironic given that this is supposed to be a Journal Comic. [May 22, 2011]

“he was a petty and unjust King,” they will say

Since I know you are wondering; the game I was playing was “Escape Velocity Nova” and the radio show was most likely “Dimension X”. The media player was, I think, Windows Media Player with some sort of skin. And the spreadsheet program was probably OpenOffice. The thing I am standing on in the third panel is a rock.

There, now I’ve explained it TO DEATH. Oh no wait, the whole thing took place in my parents’ basement, for extra Nerd Cred Points. Is there anything else you could possibly want to know? If so, email me at

(That sounds sarcastic but I will actually answer your questions if you have any!) [June 2, 2011]