Category: but I’m not bitter
be careful out there today, everybody
There’s this joke I like to do while I’m talking to people, which is that I tell them something I’m not going to say (and thereby say it anyway). For instance, if a friend of mine does something silly, I’ll say “A lesser person than me might say that you just did something incredibly stupid, but I’m not judgmental like that.” The last panel of this comic is a nice visual example of that same style of humour. The best part is that I can just stick to the “high road” and say “yes, but you see, I didn’t go there! I even crossed it out!” [January 11, 2012]
you want to think you’ll improve a little each time you try, but no
This comic was likely inspired, at least in part, by my Mom. Over six years ago I introduced her to the computer game “Bookworm” and she has been playing it ever since. Oh sure, there have been other things in the meantime (“Peggle”, and more recently some hidden object games) but Bookworm was her first big gaming fixation.
If she’s ever not playing it regularly, it’s because of the issue brought up by this comic; one day the pieces will fall into place and she’ll get a higher score than she’s ever gotten. Too high, she thinks. Impossibly high. And then in subsequent games she won’t even be able to get close. It’s funny and a bit sad to watch, because I’ve been in that place so many times — if you set the bar too high and aren’t even sure what you did to get there, what hope do you have of ever getting there again? [January 3, 2012]
this has bothered me for years
later in the trip: competing brands complicate things further
potentially being kidnapped still beats walking in the cold
tally-ho, eh what!
I don’t care if winter’s an old man, he’s getting his
can’t think of any off the top of my head, but still
Whoa, sudden style change! Thanks to the History page which I’m sure nobody reads, I can explain!
The tablet came with Corel Painter Essentials 2, which was just a thing to let you fiddle around with painting digitally. The “Essentials” part of the name meant that it was actually lacking a bunch of features of its big brother, and recognizing that, I eventually acquired an “extended trial” of the full Corel Painter X. *cough*.
Okay, cards on the table, I actually downloaded it without paying. I pirated it, to use the parlance of our times. And it worked great! If you’re looking over the comics you will probably notice changes in the line styles — thicknesses, softness of the edges, that sort of thing — every time I make a transition.
What happened is that I foolishly tried to download an update for my pirated software, and that update irrevocably broke it altogether. I was in a bind and still wanted to make sure I wrote a comic, so for one night only I switched to classy old Paint.NET. It actually doesn’t look too terribly out of place. [November 16, 2011]
webcrawler never had that kind of ubiquity
On Sunday mornings I’ve been reading mildly silly “Life Stories” to kids at my church. In the latest story, the Doodad Gang (a bunch of kids that help out this famous crimefighter named Detective Doodad) discovered the villain’s secret lair by simply searching for his profile information online.
Ready? I CALLED IT. [November 16, 2011]