it’s not you, it’s me

This is going to make me sound like a jerk, but I’m going to be honest here and tell you…

Why I Might Reject Your Comic Idea (Even If I Asked You For One)

  1. It didn’t make sense.
  2. It made sense, but it wasn’t funny.
  3. It was tonally inconsistent with the site or had inappropriate content.
  4. I already had an idea / don’t like you / any one of a number of other minor reasons.

It has happened that people have helped me develop great ideas that I have used. But in the main, when I ask for an idea I’m dimly hoping that the stars will align and you will open your mouth and say something brilliant, something that you maybe didn’t even think you were going to say. If that happens, great! When it doesn’t I go back to thinking for myself.

Part of it is that I’m protective of my work, and don’t really want people telling me what to do. Part of it is that I have an (enormously varied) audience to keep in mind. And part of it is, like the alt-text says, this is supposed to be a journal comic; if I used everybody else’s suggestions (and these happen more often than you might think) it would sort of defeat the purpose, wouldn’t it? [June 12, 2012]

nooo, this place is a mess! this won’t do at all

I have no idea what would have happened to this comic in the long run, had I finished becoming a teacher. If there was one thing that the Faculty of Education impressed upon us it was that openly posting personal stuff, even something as relatively innocent as these comics, has the potential to be a liability to an educator. The professor I spoke to did report later that this site is “probably okay” given that it’s pretty tame, but did advise that I be cautious all the same.

The time commitment for posting, though usually less than an hour, was also something that became too much when I was actually in practicum. Go forward in time from here and you’ll see that I took a hiatus of several weeks while I tried to stay afloat in the wonderful world of teaching. More on that later. [June 12, 2012]

another fantasy quashed by Google

(Painting is “The Hands Resist Him” by Bill Stoneham.
Permission for usage neither given nor requested)

[BEGIN COMMENTARY] I’ve never actually developed a comics rivalry. Mostly I just hate everybody who’s better than me at comics, which is a lot of people. I think they need to return that hatred for a true rivalry to happen, but I don’t think the Better Comics People are aware of my existence, so here we are.

(That was a joke, I don’t hate anybody in comics) [May 25, 2012]