maybe someday I will understand

When I asked him about the hook-for-a-hand he got all distant and muttered something about the Eugenics Wars and I said 'like on Star Trek?' but he wouldn't say any more

Okay so it wasn’t exactly a comic about the site but whatever. Welcome to the new Interesting Times and let me quickly highlight some of the features!

  • Obviously I got an actual domain name and website hosting. Plus, a new email address (Seen under “contact me” in upper right.) Awesome. No more unwieldy website URL!
  • Using the “Share/Save” button on each post you can now more easily bookmark or share comics on your favorite social networking services and what-have-you. Besides the obviously popular ones there are roughly one million other sites in there that I have never heard of but hey, the more the merrier.
  • I signed up for Oh No Robot, a service created by the Dinosaur Comics guy. Here’s how that works:
  1. On each individual comic page there is a “TRANSCRIBE THIS COMIC” button in the upper right. (if there isn’t one, it’s been done already)
  2. Me and you and everyone we know are free to press that button and fill in a transcription of the comic’s text. It’s really easy and helps create a searchable comic database PLUS each one adds to “RANDOM COMIC” button which at present is not very random. Yes, I am essentially asking you to volunteer your time to help me out, but if you don’t want to then I am very okay with that too.
  • I have added a Paypal donations button as you see on your right. Do with that information what you will. (Here I will point to my eye, indicating that you should watch closely, and then wink once or twice in an exaggerated fashion.)

    All in all, things are poised to continue as they have done. I am pretty excited about getting this going and I hope you wonderful, intelligent readers will come along with me as things go forward. Thanks again!

    Friday Mailbag…

    …is getting mothballed for a while. Look, it had a good run, and I appreciate the reader support for it. It went on for more than a year! Nowadays however I feel like interest on both sides of the page (author / reader) has waned somewhat and that’s okay too. So, unless I think of another ‘feature’ or something it’ll probably just be regular comics posted Friday nights or Saturdays (because, believe it or not, sometimes I go “out” and “do things” on Friday nights and that makes comicry a little tough).

    I apologize to anybody who sent in questions that weren’t answered, but to be fair the only questions I had left were by people I’d answered at least once in the past. And of course, I still have those submitted guest comics that people send in, precious gems that they are. (No joke, those things are great for writer’s-block type emergencies)

    Bottom line: interest in Friday Mailbag has declined. Feature is being shelved. If I come up with something new I’ll try it; if you have ideas for a feature you’d like to see I’d love to hear about them. Thanks again for everything you’ve sent in to this point!

    Hiatus Times

    Conclusion First: No time for comics,
    Check back on Monday

    You’ve seen hundreds of other websites do it; now it’s my turn. Although I have always tried to plug away at my work here through thick and thin, Times have unfortunately gotten entirely too Interesting in real life and must be attended to. I feel like even if I did set time aside for comics, they wouldn’t be as good anyway, so I have to hold off until things die down which will (hopefully) start Monday. It may only be at the end of April. Deepest apologies to readers and many thanks for your patience and understanding.

    A Modest Proposal

    Social networking phenomenon Twitter is gaining greater and greater popularity, and following my updates is a bandwagon you cannot afford to miss! Here are just a few of the many benefits you will receive by doing so:

    •  Get instant notices when comics are posted! No longer will you need to rely on clumsy RSS feeds or tedious web-page reloading! Also, Twitter followers receive a free “Extra Sentence Or Two Of Commentary On Today’s Comic” with each post!
    •  Get complete access to all the other inane details of my life as I post them, like “that time I had a cup of coffee” or “that time I wasn’t getting any work done!”
    • Sometimes there might be sneak peeks of upcoming projects, like this one when I was doing the new logo! 
    • Join the ranks of other famous and influential followers of mine! Like who? Oh, I don’t know, how does the World Rally Championship sound? Or maybe E For All 2008? Impressive! 
    • Most of the “following” notices I get are from users that have already been kicked off by the time I get them, because they were probably robots trying to spam naughty websites! Let’s get some real people up in here! 
    • BEST OF ALL: I refuse to use the verb “tweet” with regards to posting and I promise to never subject followers to it either!

    What are you waiting for? Sign up today and start stroking my ego— I mean, following me!

    Heyy, new design.

    I’d say it took a lot of work but let’s be honest, it’s a few clicks in WordPress. It was a tough call though but I think I like this one. A logo picture of some kind is coming, but I have to admit I like that placeholder thing. Anyway, share your thoughts on the design in the comments!