Category: literary jokes
I just wrote an update to all the IndieGoGo backers and I thought I should spread the news further! My comics are now in an actual, physical book that arrived at my house yesterday. We’re planning a launch party near the end of the month; in the mean time I’ll be slaving away to complete the extras we promised people. We’re definitely going to find ways to sell the copies that haven’t been reserved for backers, so if you didn’t contribute to the campaign please keep an eye out for further details on where to get yours!
Get Hyped!
Never said ‘finish’
For a long time it was on my bucket list to write an entire novel. I feel sometimes like there is an actual, entire novel in my brain somewhere if I took the time and energy to drag it out of myself, and ideas like National Novel Writing Month seem like the best way to go — no time to edit or overthink, just write like the wind. It’s still something I fantasize about sometimes.
Oh yes, the middle panel is a reference to this classic comic. [May 14th, 2014]