admittedly this is actually a pretty decent gig, comparatively

It seems, in retrospect, like sometimes I’m pretty tough on my Educational Assistant job. Obviously — or possibly not — I exaggerate for the sake of the comic. For instance, I don’t mention that the shredding was actually kind of a welcome reprieve from dealing with the students constantly. Also there was a stereo nearby, and listening to music you like makes any job nicer.

Do I have any idea what the job in panel 2 is supposed to be? No. No I do not. Looking at it now I can only guess that it involves putting glue on small boxes. [November 7, 2011]


Suddenly, an entire year had passed! And I knew I had to do something special, so I just started linking the standard frames together and told a rambling, nonsensical story filled with callbacks and pop culture references. Also, in typical I.Times style, barely a third of it is true.

Honestly I’m not crazy about this comic and have had a terrible time trying to come up with anything to say about it. I don’t hate it either, it’s just…hm. Hard to put into words. And isn’t that exactly the kind of insightful commentary you were hoping for??

Okay, fine! Let’s try. It’s pointlessly long and not particularly funny. The artwork is serviceable but why did I bother bringing back the masked man? And the last two panels are only there because I was re-using the entire three-panel frame each time (you can see the curves in the corners) and rather than lop them off I decided to fill them out with, well, filler.

But don’t listen to me. I am sometimes my own worst critic and have a long history of utter disdain for my own work simply because time has passed between writing it and re-reading it.

Let’s focus on the positive. I like my imaginary Tom Selleck moustache and accompanying expression. I like the panel where I threaten that guy with a knife. And I like what should have been the final panel (the one with the date in it). [May 22, 2011]