Category: ah crap
this is what I get for actually spending money
This ‘justification’ lasted for a further three comics before I switched over to The GIMP and didn’t look back. As it turned out I did not much care to work with vectors again, both for reasons to do with ease of drawing and visual style. In the end, the purchase of this program was a big ol’ waste of money. [January 11, 2012]
crazy kids, get off my lawn, &c
wait, I never tried "Nate-dawg" for a gamertag! ah, man
you might say I have a fear of being…rejected? tee hee
I don’t care if winter’s an old man, he’s getting his
hooray for products that advertise your personal problems
One thing I didn’t pay strict attention to in the early comics was differentiating other people from myself. I established from the start that I’d draw myself as the most basic stick-person possible (path of least resistance, you see) but I didn’t always remember that it can be confusing to add other people to the mix and have them look, well, pretty much the same.
Light hair is a super-simple way to change that. For light hair I draw a stick person, and then throw a few spikey lines across the forehead. Boom, altogether different character. I’m not going to go and count, but I’m betting that if the comic requires a non-specific “extra” character they’ll have light hair nine times out of ten. [November 24, 2011]