Category: ah crap
why do I have to be so cutting-edge and experimental
Sometimes I write about my trials and travails with putting things up on the walls, because I’ve come to realize that doing so is actually fairly important to me. It’s the way I make a space “mine”. Some people move into a new house and need to re-paint, or change the flooring or get new furniture or whatever. I put up pictures and posters.
On the other hand, when I go to places where the occupants have gone for a more “clean” or “minimal” look on the walls I just can’t help but feel that the place isn’t as comfortable or home-y as I’d like. It makes the the occupation of that place feel temporary, like visiting a friend without taking off your jacket. [November 14, 2011]
it’s the human condition, I guess
Somewhere over the years I picked up the habit of saying “like a million” (yes I know the comic uses “billion”, but generally I go with “million”). “Like”, in that sense, is meant to mean “approximately”. So for instance I’ll say “Man, I watched that movie like a million years ago” or “We’re already like a million hours late so let’s go!”
I bring this up by way of an explanation for the third panel, which probably didn’t need explaining but guess what I’m doing it anyway. What happened is that the people buying my idea have said “We’ll give you, I don’t know, like a billion dollars or something” and then whoever was in charge of printing the oversized novelty cheque just ran with that exact phrasing. It’s probably about a billion and fourteen, plus some change. [November 14, 2011]
I promise it’s not on purpose, either
oh, "can’t complain" – will I ever replace you?
I’ve discovered that saying “Fantastic!” when people ask how I am often catches them by surprise, which is fun. And if you’re sincere about it — which I am, because, I am! — it seems to brighten others up a little too. All those pithy motivational posters your schoolteachers had about happiness being contagious might actually be true? [November 9, 2011]