Category: ah crap
would be easier if that dude had a face
spider-robots are okay though
the last panel makes me look way angrier than I am
look at that frown! he means business
There’s a lot of older comics that I’d like to redraw, simply because I can see things that I would do much differently now. I hesitate to say “better” because in five more years I might say that about the work I posted yesterday night, for instance. On the one hand I’ve marked this comic as a personal favorite, because of the frown in panel one and because I like what I wrote.
On the other hand I dislike every other facial expression in the whole thing. What was I thinking, drawing mouths like that? Somewhere, and I’ve no idea where, but somewhere I once had a comment that a reader had finally figured out my characters weren’t wearing masks over the lower portions of their faces. Looking back, I can totally see where that notion came from. [April 26, 2011]