Category: ah crap
Who am I gonna call?
I don’t have DSL at my new place just yet and my tablet’s in a box somewhere, so for the moment you get comics in Microsoft Paint and posted in the mornings rather than late night. Updates as the situation changes!
Don’t take any of this personally
This was originally going to be comic…#261, I think. Somewhere around there. If I remember correctly, during the process of writing it I decided to try and update my software (Corel Painter X, at the time) and ended up breaking it entirely. The comic was unfinished and by the time I found new software and was ready to draw again, the idea’s time felt like it had passed.
Not sure what happened this particular day but I suppose either a.)the situation came around again or b.)I was desperate for ideas and decided to finally finish this one.
Sidenote: If I don’t act on a comic idea I’ve had within a day or two of having it, I often don’t want to do it anymore. That was “yesterday’s idea”, I often think. Are other writers like that too? [September 6, 2013]
Four, Eight, Fifteen…uh…next one has a, a seven? Crud
even famous historical figures got hiccups sometimes, I bet
When I was a kid — scratch that, to this very day my older brothers delight in making me laugh when I get the hiccups around them. Because my laughter, interrupted by hiccups makes them laugh, which in turn makes me laugh more, and hiccup more, and it’s this crazy perpetual laughter situation. [January 22nd, 2013]