Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "This Issue – the BANE of the BARON?!"

Hooray for the Friday Mailbag!
Send more questions to
journalcomic at gmail dot com

Friend Of Interesting Times “Wolfpox”
has an interactivey-comicky-thing  he asked me to shamelessly plug:
THE GAME: Winter Mission
It is in a similar vein to MS Paint Adventures,
but better due to Metal Gear references.
Go to the page, read the rules, and join in!

3 thoughts on “Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "This Issue – the BANE of the BARON?!"

  1. Lefors? I’m afraid I don’t understand that!

    But I thank you for the plug! It’s a rousing good time, even with only one or two people playing.

    Umm… and, since you seem to like the Metal Gear references, I’m also going to take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my new Metal Gear fansite, called “Meta Gear Solid”.


  2. I would be my character I made up, Alex Trevell(sound familiar?). he has great speed and strength, and learns new abilites over time. Course, don’t have enough room to fully explain, but email me at, and I can explain him more fully.

  3. When I read ‘lefors’ all I can think of is:

    “First, you take a run at Lafours with a sock full of quarters. I’d do it, but I threw my back out humping your mom last night. Nooch!”

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