Of course, why go through the trouble of chewing when you could just chug some. Make your insides smell good, too! Reply
Hey!, Is the character in panels 1 and 3 supposed to be me? I have dark hair, and wear glasses. Why wouldn’t you tell me that I have bad breath?, and my mouth does not smell like landfill. Reply
Febreze brand gum?
Of course, why go through the trouble of chewing when you could just chug some. Make your insides smell good, too!
Hey!, Is the character in panels 1 and 3 supposed to be me? I have dark hair, and wear glasses. Why wouldn’t you tell me that I have bad breath?, and my mouth does not smell like landfill.
(this is awkward)
The guy on panels 1 and 3 look like real-life Nathan, Jackoob.