5 thoughts on “protip: just save it for when you go home

  1. by bewildered do you mean you go into a state of confusion confusing friends from foes? or perhaps are you merely at a loss as to how a human being can be so stinky?

  2. cause a quick esuna will take care of the former, unless it requires a remedy but those are rare so you should save them, or if it comes to it look around for man sized floating crystal…

  3. I meant the latter, “at a loss as to how a human being can be so stinky”.

    If I am confused like in your first example, this is usually because of a random battle while I walk home from work. In these cases I can typically rely on my party to finish the battle (despite my comical spinning-in-place and unfortunate tendency to attack fellow team-mates) after which I find I am magically restored to health! Poison and Darkness are another matter altogether, but I am sure I do not need to explain either!!

    P.S.: You are a nerd

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