Lori says she once found old tissues when checking the oil level on her car
One thought on ““Treasure””
This one is a prize winner again for me. It is so true and so comical…..I have gathered many a wad on the floor, in corners behind the door….thrown by a ‘Super Dunker Basketball Player’ wanna be! BUT, I have never yet seen them pop up out of the toaster. I better check the toaster slots next time BEFORE I put in my yummy fresh raisin bread!
This one is a prize winner again for me. It is so true and so comical…..I have gathered many a wad on the floor, in corners behind the door….thrown by a ‘Super Dunker Basketball Player’ wanna be! BUT, I have never yet seen them pop up out of the toaster. I better check the toaster slots next time BEFORE I put in my yummy fresh raisin bread!