Mystery: Solved!

A couple of weeks ago I wondered aloud about a mysterious foreign site that appeared to be inspired by me, and then remade a comic I found on it, for fun. The results of my inquiries were inconclusive and we all moved on.

But! The author of that site eventually emailed me and cleared things up altogether! I won’t quote the message in its entirety, but he is in fact Indonesian (I’ll pause here so you can exchange money with whomever you made bets with), and in Junior High. Also, he added that the last panel of the comic reads “So, I won’t tell something for now. See you later!” So there we go, everybody. Special thanks to Sidharta for emailing me and clearing up the mystery.

5 thoughts on “Mystery: Solved!

  1. I called them, but they were like “Is there pirate or smuggler treasure involved?” and I said no, so they asked if there was treasure of any kind, and I emphatically replied that it was extremely unlikely. They hung up.

  2. Funny story: I called them up and they said they’d be happy to help, and what would I like them to do. I told them about the website and the mysterious language. There was kind of a pause, and then Dale — or at least, I think it was Dale, because it’s hard to tell over the phone — Dale said the case was too big. I reminded them that their song quite clearly says “there’s no case too big, no case too small.” Well! I was subjected to quite a tirade, which included a lot of language that I thought was awfully inappropriate. Our conversation ended on a terribly awkward and disappointing note. So, it seemed as though they were not prepared to “pick up the slack” in this instance.

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