I’m takin’ a stand!

There’s a tiny logo in the lower right of the 2nd panel artwork which is supposed to be that of Walking Time Bomb. It’s a little alarm clock with legs and dynamite strapped to its back. WTB was a company that specialized in the kinds of sarcastic, wacky nonsense that this comic is talking about. Loads of places carried WTB shirts when I was in high school, and loads of people wore them too. Ridiculous things that tricked you into looking at them and often made fun of you for doing so.

I myself owned two; one which said “Slacker” and was designed to resemble the Snickers candy bar logo, which I actually quite liked, and another (the disowned) one which said “YES, it DOES hurt when I smile.” In my defense, neither of these was particularly confrontational. [February 9, 2012]

4 thoughts on “I’m takin’ a stand!

  1. I saw a shirt once that reminded me of a Louis CK joke, it said “tell your girlfriend I said thanks”. But the worst thing I’ve seen was actually a bumper sticker, that was on a crappy car that said “don’t laugh, your daughter may be in here”

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