Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "In Which I Proclaim My Love For Super Metroid Once Again"
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2 thoughts on “Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "In Which I Proclaim My Love For Super Metroid Once Again"”
nice, my question was used once again! And my curiosity is piqued. What would this “Spiritual Warfare 64” be like? What would it be about? would it be good enough to make into a sequel/remake on the Wii that would have better graphics but inevitably not be as good as the first one? COULD YOU USE ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS FOR NEXT WEEK’S FRIDAY MAILBAG??
nice, my question was used once again! And my curiosity is piqued. What would this “Spiritual Warfare 64” be like? What would it be about? would it be good enough to make into a sequel/remake on the Wii that would have better graphics but inevitably not be as good as the first one? COULD YOU USE ANY OF THESE QUESTIONS FOR NEXT WEEK’S FRIDAY MAILBAG??
Tune in later and find out.
K I just searched Harmful Park and I wanna play it now.