Category: comics about comics
this quiz is open book. do not stress out!
the kitten’s name is jam-jam
this is what I get for actually spending money
This ‘justification’ lasted for a further three comics before I switched over to The GIMP and didn’t look back. As it turned out I did not much care to work with vectors again, both for reasons to do with ease of drawing and visual style. In the end, the purchase of this program was a big ol’ waste of money. [January 11, 2012]
the comics, they haunt my dreeeeeams
the "hands" step is for advanced artists ONLY
The second panel is amusing in retrospect. Take a look at whatever’s on the front page, versus this one. Over time, the eyes have drifted further apart and definitely gotten smaller. I couldn’t say exactly why that is, but it seems to make characters more endearing (or “cuter”, I suppose) and a little less intelligent. The overall effect is, I feel, a little less “threatening”, as though my stick people could ever appear threatening in the first place. The Japanese have a good handle on cute, non-threatening characters — I’m probably influenced by that. [November 28, 2011]
sometimes I say "forget this" and hire joss whedon to ghostwrite
20th CENTURY FOX presents a NATHAN production – ‘INTERESTING TIMES’
Suddenly, an entire year had passed! And I knew I had to do something special, so I just started linking the standard frames together and told a rambling, nonsensical story filled with callbacks and pop culture references. Also, in typical I.Times style, barely a third of it is true.
Honestly I’m not crazy about this comic and have had a terrible time trying to come up with anything to say about it. I don’t hate it either, it’s just…hm. Hard to put into words. And isn’t that exactly the kind of insightful commentary you were hoping for??
Okay, fine! Let’s try. It’s pointlessly long and not particularly funny. The artwork is serviceable but why did I bother bringing back the masked man? And the last two panels are only there because I was re-using the entire three-panel frame each time (you can see the curves in the corners) and rather than lop them off I decided to fill them out with, well, filler.
But don’t listen to me. I am sometimes my own worst critic and have a long history of utter disdain for my own work simply because time has passed between writing it and re-reading it.
Let’s focus on the positive. I like my imaginary Tom Selleck moustache and accompanying expression. I like the panel where I threaten that guy with a knife. And I like what should have been the final panel (the one with the date in it). [May 22, 2011]