Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "Overdrawn at the Genius Bank"

I’ve probably mentioned elsewhere that I draw these comics in a much larger size than what gets posted on the website. When I resize the image to post it, a certain degree of fine detail is lost. Sometimes I use this to my advantage, in order to ‘fudge’ certain scenes; it’s hard to describe if you’re not sure what I mean, but basically I cheat a little because I know readers won’t be able to see the difference.

In this particular comic, however, I clearly remember how sad I was after re-sizing the comic for the web. I went off on kind of a thing in that third panel, and added a lot of little lines and fine details that were basically lost. Oh well. At least I know they’re there. [February 22, 2012]

Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "When You See It"

Question for me, huh?
Send it to journalcomic
at gmail dot com

BEGIN COMMENTARY: That picture was, as you’ve probably guessed, my usual habitat whilst living at my parents’ house. The Playstation cabinet was an actual retail fixture in its former life, but the Canadian Tire store it lived in stopped selling video games and was getting rid of it. A friend rescued it and gave it to me. It had a happy life at my parents’ house, then came with me for the year I lived at my brother’s. It was a huge pain getting it down his stairs, however, and he declared it permanently installed when we were done (which I was fine with). It now houses an enormous collection of fantasy novels. [February 13, 2012]

Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "He Did, In Fact, ‘Do That’"

The “321-123” tag, only seen applied to this comic, is a fairly obvious reference for “Family Matters” fans and utterly meaningless to anyone else. Anyway it’s a thing that Carl Winslow says when he’s trying not to get mad at Steve in one episode. (The full saying is “Three two one, one two three! What the heck is bothering me?”) I hope that’s fascinating! [February 9, 2012]

Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "Japan 1, Rest of the World 0"

"The greatest trick Japan ever pulled...was convincing the world it still existed." Kevin Spacey, 'That One Movie About Those Criminals'

Got a question to throw in the Friday Mailbag?
Send that thing to journalcomic at gmail dot com,
and get it off your mind and out of your house forever!
I’m running out here, people!

(Also, administrative side-note: I was on holiday this week, accounting for the odd posting times. Normal update times, say around 5ish CST, should resume next week.)