no comic tonight

in my coffee
no comic tonight
in my tea

I was forced to make poor life choices this evening and ended up seeing the Dark Knight at the IMAX instead of drawing stick people. Blame this man: Steve Keys. (Then, listen to his music.)

Tomorrow: possible Super Double Comixplosion. Bonus points* awarded if you guess the song I’m referencing at the start of this post.

*points have no monetary value.

Brand New Thing!

Want to write up your own “Interesting Times”? Sure, who doesn’t! Or maybe, you’re someone with all kinds of artistic talent who just wants to show me how it’s really done? Let’s rock, buddy!

As of May 21st, 2009: currently accepting submissions for random rainy days. No time in particular at this point!

  • BONUS CHALLENGE! Construct your own Friday Mailbag comic in which you answer MY question: “Suddenly, your house is on fire. Name two things you grab on your way out! -NF”
  • Publishable answers (see step 3) will be gathered and posted en masse!


STEP 1: Get a template. Your options are:
A.) The regular sized one.
B.) The Really Big One. I personally use this one because it’s easier to work large. BUT: you must resize it to 475 x 580 when you’re done scribbling on it. Or, I guess I could. But it’s better that you do it, so you can see if anything gets lost in the resize.

STEP 2: Write your comic. Use whatever method or program you want. Print it off and scan the thing back in, I don’t mind. I’d encourage you to maintain my comic’s general layout (art on the left, narration on the right, no dialogue on the art side, &c) but if you’re inspired I’m not gonna tell you how to realize your vision. Stick people are not required. Have fun with it. I do!

STEP 3: Send the completed masterpiece back into journalcomic at gmail dot com and prepare to have your dazzling creativity displayed on the site! Unless I veto it, which I will do if it’s awful or offensive. It shouldn’t really be too hard to figure out what passes as appropriate around here.

STEP 4: ???

STEP 5: Profit!

Unless noted otherwise (and, it is! see above!) I’ll probably store submissions up as like a ‘rainy day backlog’, posting them if I can’t seem to come up with anything good or even anything at all. That’s the plan, anyway.

UPDATED: If you jumped all over this and got templates earlier today, DELETE THEM and get it again. Sorry, but I had to fix them and now they’re fixed!

UPDATE 2: If you have post titles and captions for your comics, by all means supply them! Also, if you have a website I am happy to plug it alongside your comic, though obviously I would like a plug in return…


Interesting Times #423 will not be appearing on this site. Saturday was my last day at Southland Cinemas after three and a half years of work, so I decided to mark the occasion by giving a farewell comic to them. If you want to read it, you’ll have to go there and see if they’ll let you.

late post pt. 2

Yesterday got way too late and there’s just not time to finish it off most of today.

you can still get in on sending in the question I posted for you, though.

Late tonight, I hope. Sorry folks!

Hey, tomorrow’s comic is going to be pretty late. Like, late at night / early morning probably. Why? Find out by sending this line;

“Why is your comic so late today?”

to journalcomic at gmail dot com.

Come on, it’ll be fun.

Mystery: Solved!

A couple of weeks ago I wondered aloud about a mysterious foreign site that appeared to be inspired by me, and then remade a comic I found on it, for fun. The results of my inquiries were inconclusive and we all moved on.

But! The author of that site eventually emailed me and cleared things up altogether! I won’t quote the message in its entirety, but he is in fact Indonesian (I’ll pause here so you can exchange money with whomever you made bets with), and in Junior High. Also, he added that the last panel of the comic reads “So, I won’t tell something for now. See you later!” So there we go, everybody. Special thanks to Sidharta for emailing me and clearing up the mystery.

Internet Explorer users?

Hi guys, I’m hearing that the mouse-over text on comics isn’t appearing for you guys lately. Don’t forget, you can still right-click and go for the “Properties” option! No missed jokes for you!

Interesting Times "Test Post" feat. Frazetta

Basically I need to figure out how to make things like the way they were with image tags and stuff, so this is what that post is meant to do. (as I mentioned elsewhere, WordPress has recently done a big redesign of their behind-the-scenes user-interface thingy). Then I thought, why don’t I make this boring test post way more MANLY and INSPIRING by using some artwork by your friend and mine, Frank Frazetta.

EXPERIMENT RESULTS: I figured it out. The text you were seeing had nothing to do with the picture; it was text from the title tag on the link to the picture file itself. All comics here at Interesting Times link to themselves by default, because WordPress does that and I occasionally find it useful. Also I don’t care. But this redesign doesn’t seem to do that anymore, or at least do that the same way, so I have to do it myself. But it does work again! Result == Success! Sort of!


I have absolutely no idea what this page is saying, but it links my site, and has a stickman comic of its own. If anybody can tell me what’s going on, and why that stickman in the last panel has such an adorably blank expression (seriously, I keep flicking back to his site to look at it) then please fill me in.

Update: Andrew did some crack detective work and it turns out the site might be Indonesian? Also, there’s a bunch of comics. The latest one in particular is nasty and hilarious.

Update 2: Malaysian? When will the answers be revealed?


Forgot comic yesterday! I will attempt to make amends at some point this weekend?? (In my defense, yesterday was Good Friday and felt more like a Sunday than anything)