If you have red-and-blue 3D specs, put them on and click the thumbnail! Seriously, do it! They’ll actually work with today’s comic thanks to a miraculous pad of paper I was given.
Category: matters of love
Circumstantial evidence?
Vampire or nurse working nights? You be the judge. The middle panel was the actual inspiration for this comic; something Lori does unconsciously (and to this day) is to run her hand over mine and find my veins. Her excuse is that she does it a lot for work. It takes very little on my part to remind her she’s doing it again, and then she sheepishly withdraws and tells me again that I have ‘good veins’. As odd as it is, I’m a little proud of it too. [January 19th, 2017]
Tch, if I HAVE to
Wanna see the invitations I drew?
(There’s no text because my readers aren’t actually invited, sorry. I lobbied for you guys!)
[Begin Commentary] All this hoopla was for my oldest brother’s wedding. I didn’t end up officiating, but the first two panels were quite true.
I’m not sure if anyone noticed, but I’ve always liked the reflections of the ‘bow tie’ label and ‘sigh’ sound in panel 2. They shouldn’t be there, but I put them there, and it makes me happy to have done so. [January 5th, 2017]
Good to be prepared!
Here is how the night actually went. A good amount of people showed up. There was no formal ‘program’ or ‘introductions’ so we all sorta grouped off to cook supper for ourselves and families. I ended up hanging out with people I already do anyway.
Then all the parents went home to put their kids to bed, and suddenly there was like a dozen people left including me. Most of them were classmates I didn’t really know well, so we gathered around a fire and people started tellingĀ really interesting stories about their high school shenanigans. As a cloistered computer nerd I had no idea about…a lot of what went on.
Ultimately I don’t remember anyone making a big deal out of my single status. I was really anxious to go, but it was okay in the end. [January 5, 2017]