Adventures in the Third Dimension!

Hello! Today is comic number one thousand! Pull up a chair, I want to talk to you for a bit.

What I really wanted to do was to have some merchandise ready to sell today. The guy you see in the comic is a prototype of the finished version, but until I find a suitable base on which to stand him he is not ready to inhabit your homes and places of work.

I’ve tried different things and racked my brain and in the end ran out of time, so I did the next best thing (hopefully?) and put this together. Don’t fret, I am not done with this idea.

Anyway I just wanted to thank everyone who has been so nice about my work over the years. Please continue to enjoy the site and by all means spread the word to your friends and family! Shout the URL at total strangers!

P.S.: I haven’t completely forgotten about the Interesting Times TV show “special edition” thing I promised either. Just mostly forgotten STILL COMING SOON

Interesting Times 4th Birthday Belate-o-splosion!

It’s finally here, performing for you! It’s a little late (the actual site birthday is, as you know, June the 6th) since I was out of the country BUT I am finally ready to officially unveil the 4th Season Birthday Surprise,

A year ago my friends and I got together and made the intro to the unaired Interesting Times television sitcom. “Unaired” because **spoiler alert** it was never a real show in the first place. One of the most common bits of feedback we got was that people wanted to see a whole episode. I brushed it off because that’s a lot of work and because I was afraid that the concept would be much better than the execution.

But round-about February my friends actually got on board with the idea, and then they convinced ME, and wouldn’t you know it over the next few months the crazy thing got done.

Today’s special thing is therefore one entire episode of Interesting Times the series, starring me and my pals and with original music and a studio audience and special effects and everything. I am proud to say that we all worked really hard on putting this show together and I hope you enjoy it very much. Watch it below!

Interesting Times s01e07 – “Creativity Issues” from Nathan Fehr on Vimeo.

(This isn’t the end, oh no! In the coming weeks I plan to release a special edition package for download, including a commentary track, scans of the original artwork, music and perhaps more?? Stay tuned for details)

As always and with all sincerity I want to thank you, the readers, for helping make all this possible. This is all so much more fun when people interact with the site in the kind and witty and surprising ways that you do. Here’s to Season 5, belatedly kicking off tomorrow!

Interesting Times 3rd Birthday Surpriseabration!

Today marks the 3rd birthday of my comic, and I suppose now’s as good a time as any to tell you all about the failure of Interesting Times – The Series. Never heard of it? That’s because it was never aired, cancelled outright before we could even finish filming the first episode.

About half a year ago I was approached by a major television network to begin work on an outline for the first season of a sitcom based on my life and comic. We embellished a bit, to be sure, but in the end I had something that I was pretty proud of.

The backstory to the show was that I was engaged to a beautiful lady and writing my comic for a big-city newspaper. My fiancee and I have a huge argument, however, and we break it off. Despondent, I move back to my hometown, partly to get away and also because I can easily write my comic and send it in over the internet. While there, I meet up with old friends, make some new ones, and continue to have hilarious adventures and circumstances. The end of every episode would feature me summing things up in comic form, like “Doogie Howser MD” and of course there would be recurring tension as my old flame tries to get back into my life. Wacky neighbours, Very Special episodes, we had it all. It was going to be a hit.

We were going to get a nice spot on a weeknight on the FOX network, and things were really rolling along. However, tragedy struck because of another show that wasn’t cancelled: “Dollhouse“. When that show was announced to have a second season, FOX executives became enraged by the fact that they had apparently forgotten to cancel a Joss Whedon show before its time. Looking to vent their fury, they turned and canceled our production when all we had to show was a title sequence.*

I did manage to save that title sequence, though! Presented here for the first time anywhere, please enjoy the fruits of our labour and join me in reflecting on what might have been. And, from the bottom of my heart, thanks to all readers and well-wishers for supporting me and getting a chuckle out of my work for the last three years and six-hundred-thirty-five comics. Fourth season begins Monday, and you’re all invited!

YouTube Link!

*please note that I bear no ill will whatsoever toward Joss Whedon and his work, and in fact found Dollhouse rather enjoyable.

600th Comic Bonus Extra Thing!

Oh man, it’s finally done! And, it’s on YouTube! And, it apparently “may” have ads in “some cases” because of the FC/Kahuna song I used! Click through to the YouTube page for lots of extra description and information. WARNING: Video is probably kind of dry and exhibits my frankly embarrassing overuse of the Undo button while drawing

YouTube Link

Also: If you can’t remember it – Here’s the finished product.

Interesting Times presents "Second Birthday"!


Yes, it’s true!
Two years since the first comic went up.
We’ve had some good fun, haven’t we?

Many thanks to all who have taken
the time to read,
and enjoy, and comment
(both positive and negative!)

Special thanks to Tom
at Southland Cinemas,
because I promised him a credit in the video
and completely forgot afterward.

Here’s to another year!
Let’s go!

300th Comic Spectacular!

Big thanks to everyone who submitted questions, and bigger thanks to everyone who’s stopped in and said a kind word. (Now, where’s my Wikipedia article and book deal?)

Begin Commentary: First of all, if I may toot my own horn, I nailed the “300” logo. Still feel really good about that.

And this is the very first “mailbag”-style comic! I very much enjoyed doing mailbag comics (when the questions were good, or at least usable) because the topic focus provided some challenge. It’s often said that if you put a piece of blank paper in front of someone and say “draw anything” they’ll have no idea what to do at all, and that’s how my comic can feel sometimes. This is also why the “journal” focus is useful in general, because at the very least I have a place to start from.

Anyway, we were talking about the mailbag. I probably was most influenced by Homestar Runner, in particular the Strong Bad emails, but after a while the emails sort of petered out and it was time to move on. Since the end of the mailbag I have to admit I’ve never found a feature that was as much fun as these could be, and I sometimes wonder if I shouldn’t try and bring it back. [December 14, 2011]