6 thoughts on “Help Me Understand

  1. When I first saw him there I felt sorry for his sad condition, but then I saw his consistent half effort and stropped pitying him. Now I just ignore him.

  2. could be worse…they could have him dressed in a big black gorilla suit…imagine THAT at +33 C eh? Bet ya wouldn’t mind fixing fence on dad’s farm NOW would ya kid eh? How’s that “grass is always greener” attitude NOW?!?!

  3. There’s a similar guy in Winnipeg who juggles in the median of Henderson Highway. His dangerous antics almost made me buy a pizza.

  4. Haha I have a friend who used to have this job in BC, and she would get food thrown at her all the time. FOOD! and people would yell nice things at her. I don’t even know how that person wouldn’t just quit after being told to do this.

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