3 thoughts on “just like Babylon 9 or DS5 or whatever

  1. I have to agree with this post, I know they were all planned. I’ve been to his house, and his basement is the creepiest place i’ve ever seen. Random sketches all over the wall, plot lines writen directly on to the wall in paint by mechanical spiders. Odd looking being wandering around aimlessly and yet with a purpose. I didn’t stay long because the caskets that piled in the corner were just too much for me so I decided to get in my weather balloon and go home.

  2. I cannot deny these things that friesenth says about me. Except he is embellishing about the caskets, there are only like three of them and that’s hardly a pile.

    As for the End of Season 1, hardly! Any attempt to break this epic tale into “seasons” or “volumes” is one that is forced upon me by publishing companies or producers who need to break my masterpiece into more manageable volumes. I have always envisioned it as one entire saga! Just like Short Circuit 1 & 2 were meant to be!

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