Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "A Dubious Offer"

Please send your comments, questions,
and yes, even your questionably valid offers
to journalcomic at gmail dot com

Come on! Do it!

[BEGIN COMMENTARY] I’m very happy with the artwork in this comic, starting with the Eustace Tilley shout-out in the middle panel (full disclosure: I’ve never read the New Yorker, but that’s sort of an iconic image and it captured what I was going for).

CARINA in the last panel looks like something you’d have to fight in Contra or Mega Man so of course I am happy with that too. Mostly it’s because of that big sort-of-skull on top, which honestly was an accident. When it comes to cartoony supercomputers I draw a big rectangle and start adding details, usually massive cables and lots of little lines. The “orbs” just made it look like a face, suddenly. [May 25, 2012]

Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "History Lesson"

Hello! Please continue sending
fascinating questions like this to
journalcomic at gmail dot com
and I shall do my best to answer them
and also to amuse at the same time!

(do not worry: today’s look for the comic is not permanent.
I am working on my tiny laptop,
and this is the best I can do under the circumstances.
Still, not bad though, eh?)

Interesting Times Friday Mailbag: "My Dream Since Childhood"

Many more lulz can be brought to you by, uh, you!
Send your questions to journalcomic at gmail dot com and I’ll take a crack at ’em!
And don’t forget those guest comic submissions!

(Wait a second! Isn’t he supposed to be on a bus today? How did this get posted?
Well, thanks to the magic of WordPress’ scheduled posting feature,
I can write this in advance.
At the time this is set to be posted,
the Real Me is somewhere between Edmonton and Jasper!