Pollllllll Train!

I want to draw up a new banner and I want some reader ideas, so I’m asking everyone to comment on what you’d like to see (either on the site itself or on Facebook if you’re reading this over there.) (Although, if you only read these on Facebook, you’ve probably no idea what I’m talking about. Behold!)

My only idea so far is “Star Trek II” but I’d love for people to write in their own suggestions. You’ll notice I mainly stick to movie posters but I’m perfectly willing to try other things like video games, album covers, whatever. So long as it’s at least reasonably recognizable and something I can work with.

Help a guy out, okay?

many apologies

The lack of comic tonight is due to my brother’s flight being delayed out of Vancouver, and the fact that I only just got home. Nearly too tired to function, but at least I can still type coherently. We will continue this muffin alacrity tollbooth fjiosdjo zxccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc

New Banner!

Woo, finally! Check it out on the “Banners” page (see above) or just keep hitting refresh until it comes up, if you’re bored? The thing is set to “random” so it might take a while.

(Facebook Friends: as always, hit up http://interestingtimes.ca to see what I’m talking about!)

this is your captain speaking

I am much too sleepy to do a proper comic now and I would really rather not just phone one in either. So I tell you what I will do: I will go to sleep thinking real hard about a comic, and then one will come to me in my dreams, and I will write that one tomorrow morning. Deal? Good. Have a good sleep!

Unexpectedly out of town tonight.

So you will unfortunately have to go elsewhere for your entertainment. Normal updates resume tomorrow!

(There is a whole sidebar, just to your right, filled with fine reading and Plenty Of Laffs)

(also there is a shiny donate button)

(and I’m not begging for handouts when I point that out)

(I’m just saying it’s there, that’s all)

Labour Day Labours

Happy last day of summer, everyone. I’ve spent my afternoon in the climate-controlled indoors tending to the site. Changes include a retooled “About” page, updates to the “Older Works” section, and new pages for videos and banners of days past. See the top of the page for clickables. Comic later tonight, as usual.

Okay, everybody

I’m on vacation and off the grid for the week (at least, Internet-wise) but as I mentioned a few days ago I have already got you covered. Starting Monday, this thing is supposed to put up a comic every day at noon.

I have not tested this system but it seems good to go.

In the fairly likely event that I return to find that nothing at all has been posted in my absence, then I guess we’ll just meet back here next Monday, or Tuesday, because I know I usually post these at midnight so the honest schedule is like Tues-Sat but whatever.

Enjoy the comics! See you in the future!

Guest Comic!

'True story. The reason he needed a external sound card was that he opened up his laptop 'for fun' and when he put it back together the intergrated one wouldn't work. Also, the keyboard now has a buldge and the power cord is held in with blu-tac. Poor Laptop'

Send your thank-yous and kind thoughts to El Sparko, who kindly provided this guest comic. It is a continuation of this one from some time ago!

The reason for the guest comic tonight is that I am on vacation next week, and as far as I am aware I will have no internet access. So: I drew a week’s worth of comics in one everning, because I love my readers and would hate for them to have to look for something else to make them chortle.

Long story short: five comics in a row makes the sixth one really, really hard. And so, the above.