I’ve been there too!! haha. I was not at all impressed by the fact that it was not at all the house that is shown in the movie. Lamesauce. However the haunted forest nearby was quite an excellent adventure. Did you at least do that?
We walked through A Forest but I had no recollection that it was supposed to haunted. I think that would have increased my interest level at least slightly.
I’m impressed you managed to capture the image of an eye roll using only a stick man.
I’ve been there too!! haha. I was not at all impressed by the fact that it was not at all the house that is shown in the movie. Lamesauce. However the haunted forest nearby was quite an excellent adventure. Did you at least do that?
We walked through A Forest but I had no recollection that it was supposed to haunted. I think that would have increased my interest level at least slightly.