admittedly this is actually a pretty decent gig, comparatively

It seems, in retrospect, like sometimes I’m pretty tough on my Educational Assistant job. Obviously — or possibly not — I exaggerate for the sake of the comic. For instance, I don’t mention that the shredding was actually kind of a welcome reprieve from dealing with the students constantly. Also there was a stereo nearby, and listening to music you like makes any job nicer.

Do I have any idea what the job in panel 2 is supposed to be? No. No I do not. Looking at it now I can only guess that it involves putting glue on small boxes. [November 7, 2011]

I mean, it was cool, but…where’s the drama?

I marked this comic as personal favorite because I dig the art, man. And, though it may be a reach and somewhat pretentious to say it, there’s a teeny, tiny bit of Jhonen Vasquez influence on the guy in panel one.

I don’t know where it is now, but there was a comic I read years ago where he drew himself heading out to a convenience store and confronting the devil, and the pose he strikes when he busts through the door is one I tried to recreate for a long time. It’s not like this pose, exactly, but…ah, nevermind. [August 17, 2007]

some scars never heal

This is a completely true story that happened while I was living in Prince George, about ten years ago. It was one of those situations where you throw something and regret doing so just after it leaves your hand, because while the bag was in the air the guy stood up from inside the dumpster.

Thankfully, the trash was not particularly heavy and no injuries were sustained. It was still incredibly awkward. I did not know what to say and merely hurried away. [November 4, 2011]

if you ask me, her story gets too little attention from the newsmedia

See, this is why topical humour is sometimes no good, because even though I wrote this comic I have no context for it whatsoever anymore. So the impact is gone. And I really can’t be bothered to hit up Google News and try to find out what happened in the first place. Generally you’ll notice these sorts of topical things don’t come up on the site very often. This isn’t a conscious choice on my part; it’s just that I’m not very tuned in to current events. [November 4, 2011]


Suddenly, an entire year had passed! And I knew I had to do something special, so I just started linking the standard frames together and told a rambling, nonsensical story filled with callbacks and pop culture references. Also, in typical I.Times style, barely a third of it is true.

Honestly I’m not crazy about this comic and have had a terrible time trying to come up with anything to say about it. I don’t hate it either, it’s just…hm. Hard to put into words. And isn’t that exactly the kind of insightful commentary you were hoping for??

Okay, fine! Let’s try. It’s pointlessly long and not particularly funny. The artwork is serviceable but why did I bother bringing back the masked man? And the last two panels are only there because I was re-using the entire three-panel frame each time (you can see the curves in the corners) and rather than lop them off I decided to fill them out with, well, filler.

But don’t listen to me. I am sometimes my own worst critic and have a long history of utter disdain for my own work simply because time has passed between writing it and re-reading it.

Let’s focus on the positive. I like my imaginary Tom Selleck moustache and accompanying expression. I like the panel where I threaten that guy with a knife. And I like what should have been the final panel (the one with the date in it). [May 22, 2011]

not IF, but WHEN

A commenter “Andrew”, who is also a friend of mine, noted that everyone else who left comments on this comic seemed to be a fan of the game “Rock n’ Roll Racing”. RnRR, as I’ve just decided to start calling it, is a racing game for a few different consoles in which various freaks and aliens race around ugly, square-cornered tracks for reasons I do not care to learn. The only redeeming feature of this game is a selection of MIDI versions of popular rock songs, such as Ozzy Osbourne’s “Paranoid” and “Highway Star” by Deep Purple.

Anyway, Andrew pointed out that I was alienating my fanbase by positioning myself so firmly against this game. I didn’t respond at the time but if I did I would have said “Good. I don’t want them as readers anyway.”

An example. Earlier this year I accepted a dare to overcome one of my greatest fears. I succeeded and prevailed because if I failed the dare it was agreed that I would have to play forty hours of Rock n’ Roll Racing. Do you see? I am willing to change my own life (for the better, as it happens) in order to NEVER HAVE TO PLAY THAT GAME AGAIN. [May 22, 2011]

clearly I just don’t ‘get’ these folks

Okay yes, “emo kid” jokes are playing off of easy stereotypes. The starting point of this comic may not be my finest hour in terms of creativity. However, I still chuckle at the idea of an “Unpopular Science” magazine (“Who Cares? NOT US.”) and the image of important scientific breakthroughts made by gloomy, introverted people. Maybe that last part actually happens all the time? [May 12, 2011]

think of all the comics about horses and cats that never were

okay, I confess; there were no comics about horses. And, I already did one with a cat.

This comic turned out exactly the way I wanted when I first made it, but little did I know that I would get much better at drawing cats in a couple of years on account of adopting an intermittently evil cat named Gideon who is currently sitting on the windowsill and probably conspiring against me.

One thing I’ve found tremendously helpful for drawing animals in general is just to use reference photos for goodness’ sake — not everything has to be off the top of your head, and even in copying something else you can make it your own.

Since we’re on the subject of things I can’t draw well, I hope I never have to do one about pregnant woman. I have no idea why it would ever come up, and if it does, I’m hosed. [May 22, 2011]